Wednesday, November 27, 2013

there will be really, really good wine

I almost only dare to utter this in a whisper, but alas that is difficult to do in typeface... {{whisper}} But this evening, I get to stay in my new house. Over a year since we broke ground, we are packing up the essentials for the cats, the dog, and the two humans and opening the bottle of cakebread that we bought back in October for this very occasion.

And, there is a package of applegate genoa salami that I will admit, I am almost as excited about as the wine.

I need to hit a big pause button somewhere, and just find the time to steep in this moment - first night in the house - and not get so overwhelmed with go go go on the details. Another tick in the wine column, I think.

I also need to hit a refresh or reset button and be more loving and caring of myself in the weeks ahead. Clear out the cobwebs from my brain, slow down the frantic doing and finishing and worrying and stressing. Down grain and sugar, up veggies and lots of sleep. Or something along those lines.

Maybe it's partly because a larger part of me has a very, very difficult time believing that I am about to move into a beautiful house that I've helped build, built by people I love, crafted in a place that I love... Like, really dude, it's your house. You'll drive your Prius to your house with your cats and your border collie.

So, love that. Feel it, dig it, smile, deep breaths, be present.

And eat more vegetables.

And run. Be nice to yourself - let yourself find the time to run again.

As nic would say, it's all good. And really, now, it is. So enjoy it.

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