Thursday, November 21, 2013

and at last, around 2:30, the two glasses of white wine from the night before kick in

Oh, the afternoon headache. The lingering nudge that says, "you had white wine last night, didn't you?" The thing that makes you think, why did I have white wine last night? Or to perhaps consider if that second glass was in fact a good move.

But in the end, the fun of the evening, the laughter and conversation and overall relaxed evening with people we've danced around get-together-ness with for two years - totally worth the headache.

Maybe next time, drink red wine instead.

On entirely different fronts, in no particular order:
My in-laws are putting massive amounts (well, not really, it just seems like a lot) of ikea furniture together for us. Awesomesauce.
It is quite, quite hopeful that a simple re-wire will make the thermostats work.
When you remove tools and various other pieces of "constructionitis" debris from your living room and replace it with a couch (even if the couch doesn't have a cover in place quite yet), it makes your living room look a whole lot more like an actual living room.
I really need to go for a run. So does Fife dog.
I really need to get off sugar. And probably grain.
The glutino bread I purchased on a whim totally stinks. Universe says, cut out the grain, dude.
But on the reverse from that, the brown rice english muffins are really quite the treat.

Onward with another nearly 2 hours. Headache be darned.

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