Tuesday, November 12, 2013

never underestimate how thrilling it is to see towel bars installed

Everything is (in so many ways) a microsecond, really, from being 'complete.' After so long, from standing there at the gate the first day we saw the lot, to standing there talking to my mom as I watched the earthmover begin to turn land into driveway and building pad - thinking on the day the roof trusses went in place, "we're so close!" Fool that I was.  And now, here we are - a blink away - but it is a huge, painful, slow blink that I am waiting for.... waiting for...

To be at the mercy of two professionals and about two days work - it's both exciting to be so very close, and incredibly frustrating to be so flipping close at last so won't you guys just show up and do the work already so we can move in!!!!

Grateful that towel bars and toilet paper holders are in place. A small detail but an event nonetheless. A bit more patch and paint to do, now, but that's becoming old hat now.

Couches will make it feel more real. So will setting up one of the beds.

It's amazing to be on the threshold of turning your daily life around, completely; it's exciting and terrifying and so hard to wait for.

For now, I appreciate that the toilet paper is hung in a tidy fashion. It's a start. It says, we'll soon live here. As soon as the electrician and plumber show up.

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