Friday, November 19, 2010

not quite couch but close enough, to not quite 5k but close enough

Today I completed Week 9, Day 3 of the Couch 2 5k Program. For those to whom this sounds like gibberish, this is a nifty interval training program designed to get one from "the couch," as in not fit and essentially at potato status, to running 5k (a bit over 3 miles) over 9 weeks. Three days a week, with the longest day start to stop 40 minutes. Thanks to the efforts of lots of folks, one can find free bits of music to stick on the ipod, complete with a computer voice telling you that you're doing well and that it's time to run now.

Here is what I have decided about running: It is hard. But, I am capable of doing it for sustained periods of time. In this case, 30 minutes straight. We'll see where it goes from here. Also, while I am sure many people think it's the bees knees while they are actually running - I do not. I power through, use mantras, play the music louder, issue commands to myself that I am making it happen... that sort of thing. But then I feel really good about 50 yards after I start walking at the end, and catch my breath.

But here is the sublimely cool thing about running. I can do it. International shoe companies who exploit foreign work forces' marketing slogans aside, I can actually do this. I worked through this little program, week by week, self-consciously chugging along the bike path that leads to nowhere (yes, we really have a bike path in the town of my employ which starts at a cross street and then dead-ends under a bridge) and here I am, capable of running a half hour.

The goal now is more - specifically, next December (as in 2011, yes) I want to run in the Winter Sun 10k in Moab. I pointed at the sign and said, I am going to do that. So, I am going to do that.

What else can I do? Nine weeks, I did this. I feel great, physically, from it. My pants fit better, and I am not above feeling smiley about that.

If you can change this ("I'm not a runner") then you can change that. Time to tackle the thats.

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