Wednesday, December 8, 2010

feeling like a cold has taken root but planning to go run anyway

It's a sun shiney day out there today. The sky is probably putting up a good front, suggesting moderate temperatures with its light washes of smeary clouds and sun streaming through. I suspect that, when I check the weather website, it will in fact prove to be quite cold out there. However, I do have a screaming pink hat with me so I will run at lunch.

I also feel a cold taking a hold in my head, nose, throat and lungs, and this is a touch miserable. This does tend to make one question the idea of going for a run in the cold. Yet what else would I do at lunchtime? Sit at my computer for another hour of the day? Feel icky? How about trying to shake some of the crud out of my nose and lungs with a little run, instead. At worst, it will feel quite awful and I'll end up freezing cold and unable to warm back up once I return to my heated office.

Wouldn't it be great to live in a world where, when one feels icky and coldy and ill, one could simply spend the day tucked up in blankets on a couch in the sunshine watching movies or reading books and sipping tea? Instead, our world tends more to the "get over it and go to work" side of things.

But I would much rather be snuggled in a blanket in the sunshine, if I could. It might be a short run today.

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