It can be a little disheartening to see the same feelings and problems and issues and habits being hashed out again and again and again in a spew of words that months and years apart essentially say the same thing and document the same underlying issues.
When I saw the presumed pre-teen girl sitting in her dirt driveway by herself, hidden by the trees and shrubs, in what I guess to be a moment of trying to escape everything and having no power to do so - so the best option is to go hide outside by yourself for a little while so at least no one sees you cry - I thought, I wish I could go fix it for her.
And now I am trying to remind myself, go fix it for yourself. Treat yourself with the gentleness, decency, support, encouragement, kind challenges to try new things, and willingness to be present, that you would try to support that girl with. Because you still are that girl, and she deserves better.