If you take a half a moment and really think about it, you are the greatest obstacle in your own path, my dear.
There is not a majik fairy lashing you to the couch with glitter strings, keeping you awake until after 11 pm on a schoolnight.
There is not an evil wizard making pudding in the kitchen and forcing you to eat it.
There is not a rainbow unicorn toasting toast in the morning and whispering in your ear, "eat this, it isn't all that good for you."
You do or do not get up, put on your sneakers, and go for a run.
You do or do not eat carbs and dairy for breakfast - ergo, you could, in theory, eat eggs and veggies and the like, which you actually do, in fact, like, and in your liking yourself mind know would probably be better all around.
You do or do not purge your freaking overstuffed closet and take items to the thrift store, as opposed to keeping them to encase yourself in and feel ugh.
You do or do not allow and enable yourself to, as it were, feel ugh in the first place.
You do look at pinterest, but you do not actually try to emulate things you like. So, you could do this.
You do wrap your emotions in tin foil and keep the alien invaders out - so to speak - so you could choose to do not this.
You are the only one who can celebrate being alive in this body in this time in this place.