How on earth is it possible that I will turn 39 years of age in two weeks?
When did I stop being 12 years old?
But here's the thing: I'll take 39 over 12. I will take this time in my life and be grateful for how I got here. I wouldn't trade it or time machine zap myself back to the 80's.
But I would also like to stop getting my own way. That would be a good step for 39.
To be brave and sit up straight and carry myself tall when I walk down the street.
To be brave and set up the computer and sit down and write a little, or a lot, now and then or all the time.
To be brave and up my pace and RUN.
To be brave and give myself time with horses. To make that happen.
To be brave and treat my body, mind, and spirit with love and goodness. That means not eating a lot of chocolate to semi numb out. That means putting on lotion after I shower. That means doing more than just superficially taking care of myself.
A little step is big, but it necessitates more little steps. It doesn't give permission to step aside and simply say, look, now I've taking a little step.
Not. Good. Enough.
RUN. Leap, dance, skip, SMILE. Stand up tall and sit up tall and BE here. Breathe deeply and be here. Shift the fear and hesitation and reserve and fully step up to this slickrock plate in front of you.
You say, "I love it here." Well, then - love it here. Show up and be here.
Live 100%. Not 63%.
If you think that anyone is going to be anything other than enriched because you show up? Think again, sister. Show up fully and see what happens.
39 is only once. and next is 40. Time to kaboom.