November of last year, on one snowy chilly night, I drove 90 minutes to a borders and met one of my idols.
Embrace the feeling of that. Spent almost 2 hours sitting, talking, laughing, just being there with these people, real people now, a family, not just words on a screen or page and images. So, write, she said.
November of this year, on a relatively warm night, I walked 5 minutes across my new town, from my new home, and met my capital I Idol.
I met her. I shook her hand, I spoke to her, I scooted down and crouched at her table to be closer to her space, to try to spin out that moment and be right there with someone who amazes me. She touched my arm, she told me I had gravity about me.
November of eleven years ago, a beautiful amazing woman who would have been someone's idol, without a doubt, danced away in the night.
Feel the ache of her loss, but also grasp tightly to the gift of her energy and love and zest for life. How she would use the word, "yummy." How she wound glitter ribbon around the buns in her hair. How she moved with such grace and presence.
These three women, quiet and gentle on some levels, fierce and passionate on others, not afriad to show the universe the inside of their heart.
As I sat there last night in the large audience, I wondered, how long will it be before I know people here? Before I say hello and offer hugs and chit chat and catch up and share support and just see familiar faces? Before I am a familiar face?
Find the thing you are passionate about and do it, one is told. One is invited, encouraged, nudged along to embrace.
Be brave and throw arms wide, reach out, scoop up life and hold it tight.
Carry on with sparkles of the one who left.
Carry on with laughter, insight, willingness to put yourself out there, and just write like she said.
Carry on with an embrace of your gravity, root down deep into your new place, bedrock yourself with this community, look into your passions, speak your mind, be brave.